High Intensity

"How long are you actually spending training in the gym?
When it comes to bodybuilding, less is actually more… if the intensity is there!
Short, hard, intense workouts are what I recommend.
Training for 2,3,4 hours at a time is not really beneficial in my opinion and more is not better when training for muscle gain.
It looks simple and easy on paper; one set to failure on barbell curls, on machine curls, and on dumbbell concentration curls.
And actually, it is quite simple, nothing needs to be overly complicated.
But easy? Oh, definitely not! This is where the focus and intensity comes in.
You must be prepared to go to a dark place and battle your way through to come out the other end.
And when you do succeed, well, anyone who’s trained with DYHIT knows that feeling of accomplishment!
High-intensity training WILL deliver results in the most time-efficient manner possible, but you must put in the effort!", posted Dorian Yates.

Dorian Yates doing back exercices 1

FOTO credit: Dorian Yates on Facebook

"Feeling is knowing, right? I could have wrote down to you OKAY Noelle what we're going to do we're going to do two sets of concentration sets or one or two sets of barbell curls. WTF is that that's nothing! It's the focus, it's the intensity and this is something very hard for people to grasp. If you've been doing two sets of biceps and am doing ten, surely I'm working harder than you... No, you're just working longer. Not working harder. A guy that digs ditches and carries bricks or works in the f***ing mine all day they work hard, but they don't have 20'' arms. It's not intense enough. Not specific enough." says the great Mr. Olympia Champion and founder of DY Nutrition.

Dorian Yates doing back exercices 2

FOTO credit: Dorian Yates on Facebook